Friday, April 9, 2010

The Texas Bluebonnet is probably the most recognizable flower in the entire state of Texas. Come spring of each year these pretty flora pop up everywhere. Sometimes, in the most dangerous places - along Texas highways. But Mary knew better and picked a safe place to take pictures with her daughter Kara. I had so much fun watching mother and daughter goof around in what has become a modern Texas tradition.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today was an exciting day! I got to take pictures of a very cute baby named Grace. We set out to Candy Cane park which had a lot of colorful playground sets. Grace was very patient with me and did a great job posing for the camera. She even tried to grab it! Here's a sneak peek. More pictures at the Client Gallery.


Friday, April 2, 2010

I did a video interview today. It looked like one of those network interviews because I used 3-point lighting, which is the foundation of any complex video lighting. You'll have the main "key light" on the subject's face and opposite and high above behind the subject is the "back light" to add the rim or "hair light" on the subject. Then you have the "fill light" to the side to light up the shadows caused by the "key" light.